Luckey Farmers was profiled in the Agriculture section of the September issue of US Business Executive. The article features CEO Andy Swerlein discussing how Luckey Farmers […]
The 2015 planting and growing season has been challenging due to the wet weather patterns we’ve been experiencing across our footprint. Managing farming operations in order to […]
Luckey Farmers seed pick-up week will be March 30th – April 3rd. Refresments on Thursday April 2nd at the following locations: Bradner: 2320 Bowling Green […]
The Graytown project is in the final stages of construction. Inside work continues on bulk chemical tanks, and offices. Training for employees and personnel to […]
Construction for the new Liquid Fertilizer Load-Out and Warehouse facility at our Graytown branch is coming along nicely. The siding of the new warehouse has been […]
Each year we ask the question, how can we bring more value to you, our member-owner, and how can we improve our services to help you become more successful?