About W&A Products
W&A Crop Solutions carries a wide variety of fertilizer products, plant health products, spray surfactants, micronutrients and natural plant hormones. Our products can be custom blended to fit the needs of producers and can be used as seed treatments, pop up starters, row starters as well as side-dress and foliar applications. We carry every major or minor nutrient used in crop production today and have the knowledge to put these products together to fit any type of application. We are known for our success in combining these high-quality products in a cost-effective way to give the producer a positive return on their investment.
BioLiNE has developed products that enhance crops through their entire life-cycle from seeding to harvest.The BioLiNE® family of products supply electrolytes and establish electrochemical balance in plants.
Featured products:
BioLINE Gold: fulvic acid enhancement product that can easily mix with herbicide, fertilizer, and other products, and can be applied throughout the season

W&A began using DeltAg products about 12 years ago. Right from the beginning, we recognized that their micronutrient products were unique, very active at smaller quantities and seemed to have a different profound effect on plant growth. We now carry 14 different DeltAg fertilizer products.
DeltAg began in 1976 in Greenville, Mississippi as a soil testing laboratory and crop consulting business. It is a company devoted to the growth of agriculture. Through utilization of ENZYMES, VITAMINS, AMINO ACIDS and a proprietary organic complexer, FULVORE™.
DeltAg Formulations has developed products to more naturally stimulate the soil and plants providing nutrients and energy for your crop. Their present product line has been in place and proven itself since 1991.
Biostimulant Products: The products developed initially were designed using a three-step approach; soil, seed and plant. Today they have products that are utilized throughout the growing season. DeltAg also participates in the development of custom formulations with our Dealers. All their formulas utilize vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and natural plant extracts and are organically complexed, which makes them more systemic in their activity. This equates to the ability to use low rates per acre, while achieving better results.
Micro Nutrient Products: The key here is very low application rates, and efficient source materials. The DeltAg Micronutrient “Plus” product line takes full advantage of our proprietary complexer, “Fulvore” which, when in the presence of specific vitamins, amino acids, and extracts, enhances uptake and translocation.
Douglas Plant Health
Douglas Plant Health provides proven innovation in plant health, soil fertility and biological solutions. With nearly 70 years of combined talent, agronomic expertise and proven results, Douglas Products can offer solutions you need to be more efficient, productive and profitable.
Featured products:
- MVP: diverse mix of microbes known to build soil biology. The MVP formula supplies the soil with a proprietary blend of beneficial microbials to support a balanced and healthy soil environment.
- Myco Seed Treat®: MST is a dry blend of bacteria and fungi that support the soil microbiology, the under-cover crop, during establishment. MST provides a beneficial zone of microbes surrounding the seed which form a symbiotic relationship with the plant’s roots. The amount of water and nutrients available to the plant increases with the use of Myco Seed Treat.

Gro-Maxx GM™
Gro-Maxx foliar Grain Maker™ protects against wind, heat and dry conditions.
Gro-Maxx, BIO-EIF™
Gro-Mazz EIF™is a special Biological high energy formulation to improve early seedling vigor, help minimize early seedling stress and improve early root health and development.
Gro-Maxx, EMP™
Gro-Maxx EMP™ contains an advanced chelation process that contains no inorganic salts like Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Group-Maxx EMP™ is non-corrosive, and the nutrients are rapidly absorbed by plants
W&A’s K-MAN is a complete nutrient feed for Roundup ready grain crops and was developed specifically to help balance the nutrient levels in plants, especially manganese and boron. The use of K-Man over the past 8 years has shown a very consistent crop health and yield response in varying crop and weather conditions
Stoller USA
Stoller is dedicated to helping producers understand and naturally enhance the genetic potential of plants. Plant Performance is based on the use of plant hormones, supporting nutrients and other hormone cofactors designed to ensure optimum hormone balance and activity. The result is healthier, more productive plants better able to withstand stress and reach full genetic potential. Plant Performance Products can be used either as a planned preventative or an in-season treatment alongside a producer’s existing nutrition program.
- BIOFORGE: An antioxidant that reduces stress ethylene and promotes plant health.
- Stimulate Yield Enhancer, X-Cyte, N-Large Products that contain natural plant hormones.
- Nitro Plus: Comes in two formulations – 9-0-0-7Ca-1.5Mg or 18-0-0-4Ca-2Mg
- Folizyme 13: A complete foliar nutrient spray. For use with starter or foliar applications.
- Micro Plus Micronutrients: For use with row starter fertilizer combinations.
- Golden Harvest Plus, Sett, Sugar Mover, Ureamate, CoMo : Foliar applied specialty sprays.

Founded in 2009, WISErg is a sustainable products company fusing biological science and engineering into a solution that converts landfill-bound food into premium agricultural inputs. WISErg uses its proprietary Harvester technology to capture food scraps from grocery stores and transform the materials using its own unique, patented process to produce fertilizers and other agricultural products. The products are not only 100% sustainable but show unparalleled performance in the field.
Featured Products:
- Synergy: Synergy is an unmatched fertilizer technology that increases nutrient use efficiency in plants – with no application restrictions. Synergy promote plant growth and improve soil health for better plant establishment and greater yields.
- Brio: BRIO is a source of secondary metabolites and plant growth promoting compounds that help mitigate the effects of plant stress and increase yield.