Weeds are just one of the many challenges that farmers can face in a growing season. While we have been able to gain control over many weeds that are native to Ohio, there are many non-native weeds waiting in the wings. This year, non-native weeds Palmer amaranth and waterhemp have been spotted in some Ohio fields.
Palmer amaranth and waterhemp are not “new to Ohio,” but are still considered non-native as they have been brought in by outside sources including hay, feed, infested equipment, and other means of transportation from outlying areas.
Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, often called “pigweeds” are hard to control. These weeds compete heavily with crops and if not controlled can negatively impact yields. Luckey Farmers agronomists and CCAs are highly trained to detect pigweeds and other varieties of weeds. Because our agronomy team is out scouting fields daily, they are able to spot weed anomalies during the growing season and come up with a plan to eradicate them quickly and in swift fashion. If a Luckey Farmers agronomist spies pigweed lurking in your field, we will proactively contact you immediately.
Check out the Luckey Farmers weed guide to review more information about Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, among other weeds. If you have any questions about these weeds or if you spot them in your fields please contact your local Luckey Farmers agronomist. Call 419-849-2711 or visit www.luckeyfarmers.com
To learn more about these weeds and where they are located throughout the state visit the link below and read the article written by Mark Loux, Ohio State University Extension weed specialist.