There are many weather factors that play into a successful planting season. One of the factors is the soil temperature. Soil temperature can play a large role in the germination of the seed.
Corn requires 50ºF to germinate and grow, while soybeans require soil temperatures to be 54ºF. When seeds are planted below these temperatures the seed will sit dormant and become more vulnerable to diseases, insects, and animal predators. Crops should be planted when soil temperatures are right and within target dates. Planting in cold and wet conditions can lead to numerous problems.
When trying to navigate the right planting conditions this spring don’t forget to visit the weather widget on our homepage,just below the grain bids.
Once at the weather app click on the layers tab and select soil temperatures. This will show you our local soil temperatures.
If you have any other questions before planting please contact your local Luckey Farmers Agronomist, at 419-849-2711.