Labor Day is a time to recognize America’s hard working laborers and all of the contributions that they make to the development and achievements of the United States. Included with all hard working laborers are the farmers, ranchers and agricultural-related workers.
There are approximately 2.6 million Americans that work directly on the farm and an additional 20 million Americans that work in food or other agriculture-related industries. All of their time and hard work provides the food, fuel and fibers that we use on a daily basis.
Farmers, and those working in agricultural related fields, work much more than the typical 40 hour work week, especially during spring planting and fall harvest. Livestock producers also have to work year round sun-up to sun-down to ensure that the livestock are fed, watered, healthy, and well cared for.
This Labor Day while you are grilling your backyard barbeque don’t forget to thank the farmers and agricultural workers that helped put it there.
Luckey Farmers would like to thank all of our growers and employees that work countless hours throughout the year.