Producers nationwide have just witnessed the production of a record corn and soybean crop for the 2014 harvest season. The state of Ohio is expected to set a record, average yield of 50 bushels-per-acre for soybeans and 177 bushels-per-acre for corn. Hats off to improved genetics, equipment, management skills, and a successful growing season blessed with good weather.
During the past eleven weeks, Luckey Farmers has handled over 11.5 million bushels of grain. These bushels came to us through 20,500 individual scale tickets that were processed efficiently and accurately. This impressive harvest created the challenge for Luckey Farmers to move nearly 4,000 outbound truck-loads of grain to various terminals. We are proud and thankful to say that even with a record crop, zero accidents have taken place to date. Luckey Farmers has been hard at work this season to successfully serve our members. We appreciate your continued support and are thankful for another successful harvest season. We are looking forward to another great season in 2015. Thank you for choosing Luckey Farmers – your cooperative!