After a wet start to harvest things quickly dried up allowing for farmers to get back into the fields. With cooperation from the weather, most growers are finished with harvest or beginning to wrap-up. With harvest winding down it is time to think about the next steps to prepare for spring.
The first step to preparing for next year’s growing seasons is thinking about seed. Right now we need to be thinking about seed placement, varieties, and getting orders locked in. Luckey Farmers offers a prepay program along with an input financing program that will allow growers to have different financing options to get them through the year.
Along with picking out seed varieties scouting fields is an important step to take this fall. Watching weed pressures, especially winter annuals is critical after many fields were not planted in 2019. If you are in a no-till situation looking into weed pressures is especially important in the fall and considering a fall application may be important. If you are in a tillage situation it is important to make sure that you are working the ground deep enough so that weeds are fully worked up and not allowing them to re-root in the spring.
Soil sampling is the other important thing to do this fall. It is recommended to pull soil samples every 3 years, but after all the rain in 2019 we are seeing PH levels coming in lower than anticipated. Knowing where your field is at is vital for a successful crop.
We can also utilize Agworld to create crop plans. Once we receive all the prices for 2021 you can work with your agronomist to make a budget for 2021.
We hope you had a successful harvest and we look forward to working with you through the 2021 growing season.