Our local footprint is home to a large farming community and with fall harvest is quickly approaching motorists will need to start sharing the roadways with farm machinery.
The size and speed of farm machinery varies making it extra important to be vigilant around and during harvest.
The majority of farm machinery speed stays does not exceed 30-40 mph. Therefore, when you see farm machinery slow down well before approaching the slow moving vehicles.
These vehicles should be equipped with an orange and red reflective slow moving vehicle sign accompanied by flashing lights.
Here are a few tips for passing farm vehicles this fall:
- Look to ensure that no vehicles are coming from the opposite direction.
- Give space between you and the vehicle ahead of you.
- Make sure you have ample room to pass large oversized equipment.
- You can always be patient and follow the farm vehicle until either vehicle takes another route.
- A majority of machinery operators will try to get over when there is a clearing to give the motorist more room to pass.
Please remember to be vigilant of farm machinery on the road this fall and don’t forget to smile and wave at the farmers you pass!