With a late harvest due to rain the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has decided to extend the 2021 H2Ohio Program deadline for planting overwintering cover crops including those following small grains and manure incorporation.
H2Ohio producers that are enrolled in the program will now have until November 1, 2021 to plant their overwintering cover crops and complete all manure incorporation requirements.
The ODA recommends adjusting seeding rates to reduce the risk of planting failure. According to the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Appendix A, eeding rates should be increased by 20%.
If you are in need of a cover crop, or more cover crop seeds please contact your local Luckey Farmers agronomist.
For more information about this please visit https://h2.ohio.gov/oda-extends-h2ohio-deadline-to-plant-cover-crops/. You can also contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District.