November 20-27, 2019 is National Farm-City Week. This week is used to recognize the contribution of both rural and urban communities that make our food supply safe and plentiful along with economic benefits.
National Farm-City week takes place the week prior to Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to think about where our food comes from and the generations of family farms that continue to provide economic, environmental and health benefits to our country.
Currently one family farm feeds more than 168 people. Farmers work 365 days a year to provide food, fiber and fuel. Rural and urban communities work together to build our nation’s agricultural resources so that they can continue to contribute to the health and well-being of our country and the strength of our economy.
In addition to supplying food, fiber and fuel agriculture also provides employment to more than 22 million people. Agriculture, food, and related industries contribute over $1 trillion to U.S. gross domestic products.
Farmers also benefit from urban centers because of distributors, restaurants, grocers, producers and other retailers provide expanded utilization of farm products.
Luckey Farmers is proud to be apart of the agricultural industry and a contributor to both the health and well-being of our country and the strength of our economy.
Florida Farm Bureau
National Day Calendar
USDA Economic Research Services