This year National Ag Day is March 22, 2022, and is hosted by the Agriculture Council of America. This day falls during National Ag Week, which is March 20-26, 2022.
National Ag Day is a time when producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies, and countless others across the United States gather to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by American agriculture.
The world population is increasing and there is becoming an even bigger demand for food, fiber, and renewable resources produced within the United States.
The National Ag Day program believes that every American should:
- understand how food, fiber, and renewable resource products are produced.
- value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy.
- appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant and affordable products.
- acknowledge and consider career opportunities in the agriculture, food, fiber, and renewable resource industries.
The theme of this year’s Ag Day is “Growing a Climate for Tomorrow.” The day is about promoting farmers and teaching Americans that American farmers are proud stewards of our land, water and air.
Luckey Farmers is proud to be a part of the 4R Stewardship program. The 4R philosophy is an innovative and science-based approach that offers enhanced environmental protection, increased production, increased farmer profitability, and improved sustainability.
National Ag Day is a great reminder for everyone to thank the farmers that provide food, fiber, and renewable resources for them every day, while remembering America’s farm families are stewards of the land, water and air.