Customers can call ahead before picking up feed so that the order is ready for pickup prior to arrival. In many cases, the feed can be directly loaded into your vehicle in a seamless fashion, eliminating wait times.
At our Ida location only, we offer a Call Ahead For 24 Hour Locked Box Pickup option. Customers can call ahead and order feed and we will have the order in a locked box available for pickup 24 hours 7 days a week. This option is for those customers who would like to pick up feed at their convenience.
The Ida and Lemoyne locations offer special order feed. Prepayment may be requested depending upon the special order. There are no returns on special order feed.
If you would like a special delivery of non-stocked feed to be delivered to the Oak Harbor or Sugar Ridge location, the cost will be $35 per load. If you would like a special delivery of feed the cost will be based on the distance from the cooperative. Ida provides bulk and bagged delivery as an option.