Benefits of Fall Weed-Control Applications: A fall burndown can be a very beneficial part of your crop management program. Weeds are smaller in the fall making […]
Agworld is the world’s first Collaborative Farming Solution that enables growers, crop consultants, farm staff, precision specialists and operation managers to truly work as one. Agworld’s […]
Please Join us at one of Luckey Farmers’ Field Days. We will be going through test plots, discussing agronomy updates and talking about soil heath. Thursday, […]
Gro-Maxx, GM™ Gro-Maxx foliar Grain Maker™ protects against wind, heat and dry conditions. Grain Maker Gro-Maxx, BIO-EIF™ Gro-Mazz EIF™is a special Biological high energy formulation to improve […]
Mike Netz of W&A Crop Solutions, Luckey Farmers crop consulting affiliate, discusses the benefits of adding a soil biological to corn. Adding a soil biological that […]
Every year 2-million Ohioans suffer from food insecurity. Those who are food insecure look to find food at their local shelters, food banks and other non-profit […]