Spring planting season is one of the busiest times of the year for growers. This means their equipment and slow moving vehicles will be using the roadways.
Here are a few reminders about sharing the roads this spring:
- Farmers will pull over and allow motorists to pass when they have a clearing to pull over.
- Be prepared to follow farm machinery on the road. Some equipment is wide and may take up a majority of the road.
- Make sure you do not pass in a designated no passing zone, at railways and intersections.
- Ensure the farmer is not planning on turning left. Some equipment requires the farmer to take wide turns. The motorist may think the grower is trying to get over to allow the vehicle to pass, when they are actually getting over to make a wide left turn.
- Do not tailgate farm equipment. The grower may need to make a sudden stop or turn into a field that the motorist is not prepared for.
- During planting season give farmers be prepared to be stuck behind farm machinery and learn alternative routes in case you get stuck behind equipment.
Please be courteous of farmers this season and be prepared to share the road.
Source: https://www.fb.org/viewpoints/five-tips-when-driving-behind-farm-equipment