On May 15, Mrs. Vamos fifth grade class from Woodmore Elementary came to tour the new Luckey Farmers Bradner location and the Woodville general office, through the REACH Program. Julie Myers, Luckey Farmers Communications Manager, went to Woodmore once a month to teach the students how to best practice in the workplace. The REACH Program is sponsored by the Sandusky County Chamber of Commerce to teach older elementary students about work ethic and professionalism. There were twenty-one students that came to visit the locations. While the students were at Bradner, Adam Brossia, location manager, gave them a tour of the offices, warehouse, and seed treatment center. The highlight of the students day was climbing up on the sprayer. Ed Thurn and Doug Uher, Luckey Farmers Seed Specialist, gave a demonstration of how to bag seed, and also how to use the large scales, by weighing the students together. After the students visited Bradner they were bussed to the General Office. At the office Doug showed the students how to take a soil sample, and Samantha Funkhouser, Precision Farming Specialist, showed them the drone. At the completion of the tours each student received a t-shirt and a diploma for completing the REACH Program.